Monday, September 16, 2013

Mind Your MIND ...

How many times in your life, like Hritik Roshan in the movie “Laksha”, have you asked yourself the question “Mai Aaisa Kyu Hoo ... Mai Aaisa Kyu Hoo” (why am I the way I am) and hoped to get some answers, which obviously did not come through because the person who is asking the question and the person who is going to answer it, is one and the same, YOU. The great Albert Einstein once said, “You cannot solve a problem at the same level it was created at ... You need to move one notch higher to get the answers”. So you get the point ...

Yet your mind, yearns for an answer, it needs an answer ... So to get the answer to this eternal question you turn to various things viz. Religion, Philosophy, Spirituality, Enlightened Masters, Gurus, or even self claimed God Men or what we normally refer to as Baba’s.

The answers that you most likely will get is ... You’re a light Being, or You’re a thought entity or like Dr. Wayne Dyer says You’re a Spiritual Being in search of an Human Experience and not vice versa. The number of places you go to, those many answers. But to you, at one level, somewhere all this makes sense but your logical mind is always going to question all these answers too. You really start wondering “am I a Thought identity or Light Being ... and the end result is still no answer to the eternal question WHO AM I ?
But if, you dare to venture out, there is another place, you might get a logical answer to this eternal question WHO AM I ?  The place is of Science or specifically Behavioural Sciences or what are today referred to as Mind Sciences.

What if I was to tell you that the answer is very simple and is within YOU only, and unnecessary YOU were running around from one Guru To Another or from Master to another, from one Self Help Book to another. All YOU got to do is to look at YOURSELF and Understand YOURSELF. Again, you will sit up and say ... all religions / self help books authors have said the same thing or similar things only “ Look Inside and ALL Your answers are there ! The question your asking now is “What different are you talking about ?” Well the difference is in Approach. I am not talking a Philosophical / Spiritual Approach but a Scientific Approach, a more Logical Approach or if I am permitted to say a much Rational Approach, an approach which is acceptable to the logical mind, your logical mind, not something where in I am asking you to go on FAITH or TRUST as others do.

So, let’s first begin by looking at this person we are referring to ... YOU ! What are the components that go into making this YOU.

YOU are made up of your muscles, tissues, 206 bones, internal organs, blood and your FIVE senses ( all you women readers can read it as SIX senses ... yes yes your superior to us males in this aspect ). So let’s call it your PHYSICAL SELF.

YOU also have your Emotions and your Feelings and your Desires. ( for some of you these things are pretty pretty strong ) So let’s call this your MENTAL SELF.

YOU also have your Thoughts, your decision making abilities, your reasoning abilities. Let’s call this your INTELLECT and YOU also have your EGO ( for some of YOU it’s a pretty pretty large one ). And if you believe in it YOU also have a SOUL (and let’s not get into the SOUL Business for now ).

So, in shot you have a PHYSICAL SELF , MENTAL SELF and A SOUL ( like I said it depends upon your belief so let’s keep this aside for now ). Now, some of you again you will sit up and say ... So and so book from so and so religion / author has said this only, what different are you talking about, we all know this ?

Well there is a very powerful mind science called psychoneuroimmunology. This Mind Science looks at this connection between MENTAL and PHYSICAL SELF ( NO SOUL Business ). This Mind Science studies the impact of the linkage between MENTAL and PHYSICAL SELF. Remember the old saying “ Where the Mind goes the Body follows ” or doctors saying “ 75 % of all diseases are Psychosomatic ”. That connection is what I am talking about. So far so good, right ? Are we on the same page ? I think so.

Now, let’s get an understanding of the working of this MENTAL SELF. Like I said before it is made up of your EMOTIONS, FEELINGS and DESIRES. And then we have your INTELLECT which does all the THINKING work, DECISION Making ability and your REASONING abilities. All this put together is referred to by many as the MIND.

So, what does this have to do with WHO YOU ARE ? Well honestly everything. Haven’t you heard the saying “You’re everything You Think You Are”. Even the great Buddha has said eons of years ago "What we are today comes from thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow : our life is the creation of our mind”. Yes the MIND, we live in our MIND. I am sure he understood things more than I do ...

So, How does all this work ? The working is again very simple, we begin by looking at the THINKING process. Why thinking one may ask ? Well this is the Single Factor which differentiates us Humans Beings from the Animal Kingdom. Remember the saying “ I am because I think I am ”.

Well most people believe that this is the beginning of the whole thing ... the source of everything is in your thinking ... But, my dear friends this is where you are grossly mistaken ... Please understand, there is something in the background that is giving YOU, YOUR thinking. Yes I repeat there is a background conversation going on which is giving you, your thinking. Again, I ask you at this point of time “How many time have you kicked yourself ( not literally ) when someone else gets a brilliant idea at work place, which is appreciated by one and all especially the bosses and your putting your head down and asking yourself, why not me ? Why don’t such ideas come into my realm of thoughts ?

So, the million dollar question in your head right now is ... what is sitting in the background which is giving you your current thinking. Get ready ... for most people it is their PAST, yes YOUR past experiences are sitting in the background and which is giving you your current thinking. Yes it is your Past experiences and how you have interpreted that past experience is governing your currently thinking patterns.

Don’t take what I am saying at face value, check it out. Look at your current thinking patterns especially a negative one and like peeling an onion begin to peel one layer after another and go deeper, another layer, go deeper, and there see your past experiences sitting there, your past decisions are sitting there, your past emotions and feelings are comfortably sitting and it is all this past which is running your current thinking process.

You are going through life carrying with you all your past. You think time has healed it, sorry not true. Time helps you to deal with it, at the most lessens the impact. But the experience is still there. See the kind of thoughts you entertain just before you go off to sleep. Yes it’s those very same thoughts that you think you have dealt with but sadly they still trouble you once in a while. A Behavioural scientist Alfred Korbasky once said “God may forgive you for your sins, but your own nervous system will never”. Get the point.

But, these past experiences that are there are not alone, really they have a very strong companion giving them company. They are placed on a platform of your BELIEF System. Yes, your belief’s are the bases on which you interpret you experiences taken in by your FIVE / SIX Senses. In the scientific language we call it your programming. In the Indian context I would like to call them, your “Sankars”.

Behavioural Science says “Programming Creates YOUR Beliefs, Beliefs Creates YOUR Attitudes, Attitudes Create YOUR Feelings, Feelings Create YOUR Actions, and Actions Creates YOUR Results” So, just for fun sake replace the word “Programming” with “Sanskars” and see if it is making sense for you. I am 100 % sure it is. Hence, I say “To Change the Results your getting out of yourself and others around you, you need to change the Programming”. So, it’s not just about your Attitude it’s all about your programming. So, now your thinking to yourself, is it possible to change the programming ? And the answer is an astounding and emphatic YES with big asterisks. We cannot change what has happened but we can definitely change the impact of the past on you in the current.

So, once again now your thinking to yourself ... But How ? Please remember, you have been programmed by your religion (majorly), parents, grandparents, school teachers, media, social media, friends etc etc. And if you can be programmed, you can also be re programmed. Today we have very advance Mind Science Tools / Processes like Transactional Analysis or even Neuro Linguistic Programming or even Hypno Therapy apart from Ontology, Grapho Therapy and good old Psycho Therapy or Counselling, which will allow this to easily happen and within a very short period of time. We can change the impact of the past on you. This change will change the way you perceived it then and now. And this change will free you from the shackles of the past (especially if it was a tragic past) and enhance the current by enhancing the past experiences. 

Above I have used the phrase “your interpretation of the experience”. Yes my dear, you have a very unique way of interpreting experiences. The input channel of taking in any experiences is your FIVE / SIX senses. The way these work determines how you store the experience. The more open and active they are, better the interpretation of the experience. Remember the brain has a habit of Deletion of Information, Distortion of Information, and Generalization of Information. When these three processes are working constantly working 24 x 7 x 365 you’re not experiencing the experience in totality. Then when asked about it, it becomes your interpretation of that experience.

Having understood this, this will give you an insight as to how each and every experience that you have experienced till date has been deleted, distorted, and generalized. And remember it is based on this information you create your beliefs and opinions and perceptions about self and others around you. So, spend a moment and think about all that you have been through, and ask yourself is there a possibility that the way you have interpreted the experience and drawn inferences about the same, could be your exclusive way of interpreting it, not what really happened. After all it is said “you see what you want to see in an experience”.

Also, we need to understand that most of the time we have problems with our near and dears ones, colleges at workplace and others in our lives because most of the times we relate to an deep rooted thought or feeling which gets triggered because of the similarities we see in this person and the person whose image or feeling has been triggered. This is referred to as parataxic distortion. For e.g. There is a person A, whose mother is very strict and dominating, when A begins his corporate career he gets a boss, let’s call this person B, who is very strict and dominating, he starts to relate to this boss as his mother, and hence behaves in a manner which is very argumentative / rebellious, because he is not relating to what the boss is saying, but to the feeling of his dominating mother in his mind. It is said, that each person is your life is representing someone or the other from your past and your mostly relating to the past in the present relationships.

So, the next time you ask the question, WHO AM I ? Remember you’re your past experiences and your Belief’s nothing else. So, if you want to change something in yourself today ... all you got to do is change your perception of the Past and your Belief’s. That’s as simple as it gets. And there we have a whole NEW you. A New you who thinks different, who behaves differently, a new you who is no longer tied down to his past or his old limiting belief’s. The New You is FREE from all this.

So, I say, Instead of Asking the Question, WHO AM I ... Ask yourself WHOM DO YOU CHOOSE TO BE TODAY ... in which area of life do I wish to be free / liberated ... because in my world anything is possible.

If there are some of you who still logically don’t get it and are still asking the question can behaviour really change, can a leopard really change its spots ? My request to you is too look at the possibility of “What if ... what if this is really possible ... what if whatever Dr. Tavkarr has said so far here is really possible ... then is it really possible for me”. What if ... you could overcome your limiting belief’s ... then is fulfilling all your dreams possible ...

Today modern Mind Sciences have shown us that Human Behaviour can be changed. Today, we can change the “Programming that created YOUR Beliefs, Beliefs that created YOUR Attitudes, Attitudes that created YOUR Feelings, Feelings that created YOUR Actions, and Actions that created YOUR Results”. I usually say “in today’s world, mental misery is a choice, an unnecessary choice”.

Today I believe it is truly possible for us to have a beautiful mind, and I too strongly believe that using the advance tools in Mind Sciences the Leopard Can Change its Spots.


  1. Very well written Aashish! Keep it up. Looking forward to reading it more. Cheers! Madhuri.

  2. Sir! Thanks I was trying to help my friend explaining him same but could not, after your blog he had a good understanding now, Please keep adding new topics like this, looking forward to more learning.


  3. Awesome write up Doc, looking forward for more!!!

  4. Well, first things first..

    Congratulations for starting this blog..indeed will help many people...

    I am giving one more possibility to contemplate may help readers like me who have limitation of understanding to digest better if you could perhaps put it in three parts...each part concluding to give readers a question to think about and then coming here next time to find the answer..and read more..

    Another thought...If " I think therefore I am" is right then " I don't think, therefore I am not" should also be true..but then is it? Well..

    All the best!!!!


  5. Good Work Dr Aashiesh Tavkarr. Keep writing more blogs.
    Paresh P Chitnis
